The Holistic Management Course is for farmers and business owners interested in making change for a positive future. Want to improve the productivity of your farm, improve your financial performance and improve the environment of your farm? We step you through the process of making change in your farming business.
As an accredited educator we work with Brian Wehlburg from Inside Outside Management to deliver training in the principles of Holistic Management including grazing and environmental management, goal setting, sustainable living, holistic financial planning and decision making.
Partnering with nature to regenerate land to increase productivity and profitability
- Create a Vision for your farm and learn about better Decision Making
- Learn how to create your customised Holistic Grazing Plan and make it work regardless of the conditions
- Get a handle on the financial performance of your business and use a simple Financial Planning method to keep track
- Create an Ecological Monitoring program for your farm to measure your progress towards a regenerative future.
Tamworth Holistic Management Course
Starting 30-31 October 2019 through to March 2020 – Tamworth, NSW
For more details please call Glen 0414 618 350 or Brian Wehlburg 0408 704 431
The teachings of Allan Savory presented by Inside Outside Management with Glen Chapman, Craig Carter and Brian Wehlburg
The Holistic Management Course is an 8-day course structured as four 2-day sessions, 3 -5 weeks apart allows participants to take the information home from each session and implement the learning.
In NSW, Australia our Holistic Management Course is registered with the NSW Rural Assistance Authority – funding is available for eligible course participants.
This eight-day course consisting of four modules of two days:
Session 1 (30 & 31 October):
Introduction, history of Holistic Management and its success. The power of paradigms – how we think and change. Ecosystem function – how nature functions holistically, incorporating livestock as a tool for making change to our environment, diagnosing the root cause of problems, what is causing biodiversity loss. Improving productivity through sunlight capture. Increasing the effectiveness of our rainfall.
Session 2 (4 & 5 December):
Review ecosystem function and the tools, Holistic diagnosis of environmental problems. The change process – how people change. Personal profiling – what motivates you. Conventional decision making, Holistic Context formation and goal setting, discovering the testing matrix, testing decisions using a testing matrix, testing decisions – personal examples. Improving our time management.
Session 3 (29 & 30 January 2020):
Review and photos, mastering the basics for Holistic Grazing Planning, feed budgets and plant monitoring, paddock walk and practical feed budgeting, complete case study for growing and non-growing season grazing plans, complete personal grazing plan, electronic spreadsheets for grazing planning. Improved communication.
Session 4 (11 & 12 March 2020):
Introduction to Holistic financial planning, small business financial plan example, communication exercises, review non-growing grazing plan. Biological monitoring theory, paddock walk – set up a bio-monitoring site. Introduction to Holistic land planning and key line. Review, evaluation.
Telephone, email and teleconference support will be provided through the duration of the course to assist with implementation of the learning.
The 8-day course is conducted as four 2-day sessions, 4 weeks apart. All study materials (text book, hand book, all charts and worksheets, Grazing Planning and Financial Planning software) included, as well as morning teas and lunches.
Want to learn more? Check out these YouTube videos
The cost of the eight days of training includes the text book – Allan Savory’s “Holistic Management – a New Framework for Making Decisions”, the Holistic Management handbook, financial and grazing planning resources, morning teas and a great time! Participant numbers will not exceed 25 people.
For more details please call Glen 0414 618 350 or Brian Wehlburg 0408 704 431
First Session Dates –