Healthy soil is the real key to feeding the world

Healthy soil is the real key to feeding the world

David R. Montgomery, University of Washington One of the biggest modern myths about agriculture is that organic farming is inherently sustainable. It can be, but it isn’t necessarily. After all, soil erosion from chemical-free tilled fields undermined the Roman Empire and other ancient societies around 

What is Regenerative Agriculture?

What is Regenerative Agriculture?

The term regenerative agriculture or regenerative farming has developed over the past 30 years. There are a few slight variations of the definition and as time goes by the definition is refined or expanded further to encompass all the elements as they develop.  This development 

Learning from older wisdom

Learning from older wisdom

Getting the best from our innovation and research. Found an interesting piece of older wisdom today.  This was a book that Joel Salatin referenced in one of his discussions on the feeding the world and it discussed the history of modern composting.  Albert Howard undertook